Icon SunFilledIcon MoonStars
Dev /

Icon LinkNetworks

Icon LinkGet the Current Network

To detect the current network the user's wallet is connected to, use the network() method on the window.fuel object.

const networkInfo = await fuel.network();
console.log("Network ", networkInfo);

Icon LinkAdding custom Network

To add custom Network, use the wallet.addNetwork method and pass in the Network you want to add.

await fuel.addNetwork(network);

Icon LinkListening for Network Changes

To listen to network events, you can use the fuel.events.network event.

const handleNetworkChange = (network: FuelProviderConfig) => {
useEffect(() => {
  fuel?.on(fuel.events.network, handleNetworkChange);
  return () => {
    fuel?.off(fuel.events.network, handleNetworkChange);
}, [fuel]);

Switch the network in your wallet to see the event triggered.